Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dynamic SQL: Using a variable number of binds a variable number of times

Well known fact: most queries you execute often, have better performance when you use bind variables. On two separate occasions in the last month, a developer came to me with a question about Dynamic SQL.

The problem they both had was that when dynamically creating a (complex) SQL statement, they wanted to use bind variables. However, they didn't know how many variables they were actually going to use and they didn't know how many times they were going to use them throughout the statement.

Let's start out with something simple to clarify the problem:

  ( par_a IN varchar2
  , par_b IN number
  , par_c IN varchar2
  c_cur t_cur;
  type t_rec is record (par_a varchar2(20), par_b number, par_c varchar2(20));
  r_rec t_rec;
  l_qt varchar2(1) := chr(39);
  OPEN c_cur FOR 'SELECT '||l_qt||par_a||l_qt||
                      ', '||par_b||
                      ', '||l_qt||par_c||l_qt||
                  ' FROM dual';
  FETCH c_cur INTO r_rec;
  -- do something here
  CLOSE c_cur;

All that this actually does is open a cursor for a simple SQL select statement. The problem with this statement is that it will generate a different execution plan for each distinct set of parameters. In order to prevent this, we quickly switch to bind variables:

  ( par_a IN varchar2
  , par_b IN number
  , par_c IN varchar2
  c_cur t_cur;
  type t_rec is record (par_a varchar2(20), par_b number, par_c varchar2(20));
  r_rec t_rec;
  l_qt varchar2(1) := chr(39);
  OPEN c_cur FOR 'SELECT :x par_a'||
                      ', :y par_b'||
                      ', :z par_c'||
                  ' FROM dual'
           USING par_a, par_b, par_c;
  FETCH c_cur INTO r_rec;
  CLOSE c_cur;

This statement is superior to the previous one, as it will generate one execution plan because it uses bind variables. If you think that's just a small detail, try googling "bind variables" and see why you should use them...

So, now the developer wants to create a dynamic SQL statement using an as of yet unknown number and order of bind variables:

  ( par_a IN varchar2
  , par_b IN number
  , par_c IN varchar2
  c_cur t_cur;
  type t_rec is record (par_a varchar2(20), par_b number, par_c varchar2(20));
  r_rec t_rec;
  l_qt varchar2(1) := chr(39);
  l_stmt varchar2(1000);
  IF par_b = 1 THEN
    l_stmt := 'SELECT :x par_a'||
                  ' , :y par_b'||
                  ' , :z par_c'||
               ' FROM dual'||
              ' WHERE :y = 1'||
                ' AND :x = ''A''';
    l_stmt := 'SELECT :x par_a'||
                  ' , :y par_b'||
                  ' , :z par_c'||
               ' FROM dual'||
              ' WHERE :x = ''Z''';
  OPEN c_cur FOR l_stmt
           USING par_a, par_b, par_c;
  FETCH c_cur INTO r_rec;
  CLOSE c_cur;

Depending on the value of par_b, the statement will need either 5 bind variables (when the value = 1) or 4 bind variables (when the value != 1). Thus, we can not use the OPEN..FOR..USING construction without having to resort to another IF..THEN..ELSE construct. When the statement becomes more complex, this becomes too complex to handle. Executing the code as displayed above, will net you an "ORA-01008: not all variables bound" error.

The alternative is to take the bind variables out of the equation and store them in an unambigious and predetermined order:

  ( par_a IN varchar2
  , par_b IN number
  , par_c IN varchar2
  c_cur t_cur;
  type t_rec is record (par_a varchar2(20), par_b number, par_c varchar2(20));
  r_rec t_rec;
  l_qt varchar2(1) := chr(39);
  l_with varchar2(1000);
  l_stmt varchar2(1000);
  l_with := 'WITH my_parameters '||
             ' AS (SELECT :x par_a'||
                      ' , :y par_b'||
                      ' , :z par_c'||
                   ' FROM dual) ';
  IF par_b = 1 THEN
    l_stmt := 'SELECT par.par_a par_a'||
                  ' , par.par_b par_b'||
                  ' , par.par_c par_c'||
               ' FROM dual'||
                  ' , my_parameters  par'||
              ' WHERE par.par_b = 1'||
                ' AND par.par_a = ''A''';
    l_stmt := 'SELECT par.par_a par_a'||
                  ' , par.par_b par_b'||
                  ' , par.par_c par_c'||
               ' FROM dual'||
                  ' , my_parameters  par'||
              ' WHERE par.par_a = ''Z''';
  OPEN c_cur FOR l_with || l_stmt
           USING par_a, par_b, par_c;
  FETCH c_cur INTO r_rec;
  CLOSE c_cur;

Using a WITH..AS construct, we now have a predetermined set of bind variables in a predetermined order. By referencing them in the rest of the code as column values, we are completely independent of the number and order of the bind variables in that part.

Mission Accomplished :-)


  1. Can i use the 'WITH..AS' construct with an update statement also..?

    1. Hi Naveen,

      the WITH clause can be used in an UPDATE statement as a subquery, but you will have to enclose in in another SELECT when using it as a multi-column update.

      So, for a single column update this will work:

      UPDATE some_table
      SET some_column = ( WITH my_parameters
      AS (...)
      SELECT something
      FROM my_parameters

      But for multiple columns simultaniously, this will fail (ORA-01767):

      UPDATE some_table
      SET (some_column, other_column)
      = ( WITH my_parameters
      AS (...)
      SELECT something, something_else
      FROM my_parameters
      WHERE ... ;

      To circumvent this problem, you could use:

      UPDATE some_table
      SET (some_column, other_column)
      = ( SELECT *
      FROM ( WITH my_parameters
      AS (...)
      SELECT something, something_else
      FROM my_parameters
      WHERE ... ;

      Playing around with these statements, you can create similar results for dynamic SQL, but it will get a lot less obvious than in my original example.

      I hope this helps!
