Usually, the report types (destination types) provided by Oracle Reports are sufficient. You can create your report as a file, in the cache, send it to a printer etc. See the list of standard types in the Oracle Documentation.
It is also possible to create your own destination, but the documentation is a bit vague about this, to put it mildly. Once you know where to look though, it is quite easy to accomplish.
First of all, you will need to modify the reportsserver configuration file. You can do this through Enterprise Manager, or modify the file directly ($ORACLE_HOME/reports/conf/<repserv>.conf). You must add a destination tag, just like there are many others in this file. It would be sufficient to add something like this:
<destination destype="myDest" class="myDestClass"/>
And now, your reportserver will not start, or at least give you an error that the specified class does not exist. This is the hard part. You must create a Java Class that extends the Destination Class. So, you find yourself a Java Programmer (shouldn't be that hard to find, these days) and let him create your own class. In this class, you can do (almost) anything you can imagine. You will have the XML provided by the reports engine avaiable and you will need some imagination as to what you want to do with this report.
After the class is created, compiled and packaged, you add it to the classpath of the reports server. Easiest way to do this is to use Enterprise Manager. After that, the reports server will be able to find the new class and start the engine.
You could for example create an RTF document from the standard XML using a stylesheet and then mail it to one or more recipients. You could send it to a printer and e-mail it both in the same class. Any requirement you might have for your reports is now available. It will require your effort to implement all your requirements though.
This is a good way to enhance the output options of reports, it is just too bad that it is not so very well documented...
When you start working with this, there will undoubtedly be some other obstacles, but if you have any questions, you know where to find me (i.e. right here ;-)
My blog on Oracle (and to a certain degree Life, the Universe and Everything)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Using too many indexes
When writing about the use of indexes (or rather, the lack of) it soon occurred to me that when you tell the developers to use indexes, some of them really take that too far. I once saw a 18-column table with a total of 20 indexes on it. That might be useful in a certain DWH database, but this was in a OLTP database.
But why is it not good to have a lot of indexes? Is there such a thing as too many indexes? From the optimizer point of view, it just means a few extra access paths to consider, that should not be too difficult. On the other hand, from a DML perspective, when you insert a record or update certain columns, all related indexes must be modified as well. So, instead of inserting one row (1 I/O operation), you could end up with inserting one row and inserting 20 index entries (21 I/O operations!).
So yes, you can certainly have too many indexes.
What to do? Well, the obvious thing to do is to get rid of all the unnecessary indexes. But not knowing which indexes are useful, you might accidentally drop the wrong ones and end up with terrible performance for your application.
The best course of action would be to let the database determine what indexes are being used and which indexes are candidates for deletion. You do this with the following statement:
This starts monitoring if the index is being use by any statement in the database. You can let this monitoring run as long as you like. I would advise to use a representative period of time, so you can be sure that each and every part of your application has been used (every statement out there should have run at least once). You should consider special cases like an end-of-month report that will run. It would be a shame to drop any indexes and then discover that this crucial report takes two days to complete…
After you have monitored long enough, you should check the V$OBJECT_USAGE table. This table contains the rows for the monitored indexes and contains a column “USED”. If this is set to TRUE, the index was used during to monitoring period. If not, the column value will be FALSE.
Now you can determine if there are unused indexes in your datamodel. These are the candidates for deletion. Please remember that index usage is not restricted to query performance. You should not drop primary key or unique ket indexes, just because they are not used in your monitored workload. They have a different (but important) reason for being there.
After you complete your analysis, you can disable monitoring:
This way, you keep the minimum number of indexes while retaining optimal performance. You (or rather, the database) will save a lot of effort updating indexes that will most likely never be used and thus optimizing your performance just that bit more.
Also see the Oracle documentation for some more details…
But why is it not good to have a lot of indexes? Is there such a thing as too many indexes? From the optimizer point of view, it just means a few extra access paths to consider, that should not be too difficult. On the other hand, from a DML perspective, when you insert a record or update certain columns, all related indexes must be modified as well. So, instead of inserting one row (1 I/O operation), you could end up with inserting one row and inserting 20 index entries (21 I/O operations!).
So yes, you can certainly have too many indexes.
What to do? Well, the obvious thing to do is to get rid of all the unnecessary indexes. But not knowing which indexes are useful, you might accidentally drop the wrong ones and end up with terrible performance for your application.
The best course of action would be to let the database determine what indexes are being used and which indexes are candidates for deletion. You do this with the following statement:
This starts monitoring if the index is being use by any statement in the database. You can let this monitoring run as long as you like. I would advise to use a representative period of time, so you can be sure that each and every part of your application has been used (every statement out there should have run at least once). You should consider special cases like an end-of-month report that will run. It would be a shame to drop any indexes and then discover that this crucial report takes two days to complete…
After you have monitored long enough, you should check the V$OBJECT_USAGE table. This table contains the rows for the monitored indexes and contains a column “USED”. If this is set to TRUE, the index was used during to monitoring period. If not, the column value will be FALSE.
Now you can determine if there are unused indexes in your datamodel. These are the candidates for deletion. Please remember that index usage is not restricted to query performance. You should not drop primary key or unique ket indexes, just because they are not used in your monitored workload. They have a different (but important) reason for being there.
After you complete your analysis, you can disable monitoring:
This way, you keep the minimum number of indexes while retaining optimal performance. You (or rather, the database) will save a lot of effort updating indexes that will most likely never be used and thus optimizing your performance just that bit more.
Also see the Oracle documentation for some more details…
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Why won't developers use indexes
It keeps turning up again and again. The application is released to the customer and after a few weeks, or even a few days, the first issues arrive on the slow performance.
Time and again, this is due to the application queries not using the right indexes, or even using any indexes at all. The queries can be well written, as I usually keep repeating to the developers how important that is. On the other hand, I keep telling everybody about the usefulness of indexes, and somehow that doesn't seem to stick...
So, let's try this one more time ;-)
If you write a query (any query), it is important to ask yourself a few questions:
These are questions of a more logical nature. This has everything to do with constructing a good query. The "hard" part is the technical part of the puzzle:
So, to all developers out there, please consider your queries carefully. After creating the query, try to anticipate how it will function. If there is any doubt if the query will perform adequately, at least test it with a representative amount and distribution of data.
Of course, I am fully aware of the many types of queries out there, not to mention the many types of indexes you can use. Usually, it pays off to invest some time reading up on the use of indexes. There are a great number of resources to use out here on the internet, so I won't even try to begin explaining them. As a developer, do yourself a favor and spend some time getting to know the workings of the most common types of indexes.
And if all else fails: please contact your DBA...
Time and again, this is due to the application queries not using the right indexes, or even using any indexes at all. The queries can be well written, as I usually keep repeating to the developers how important that is. On the other hand, I keep telling everybody about the usefulness of indexes, and somehow that doesn't seem to stick...
So, let's try this one more time ;-)
If you write a query (any query), it is important to ask yourself a few questions:
- What data will this query access
- How are the tables in this query connected. Am I using the right connections (comparing the right attributes)
- Am I using the right filter conditions on the data
These are questions of a more logical nature. This has everything to do with constructing a good query. The "hard" part is the technical part of the puzzle:
- How will the database access my data
- Are there enough fast access paths (at least one) to choose from
- Will this query perform when retrieving the needed amount of data
So, to all developers out there, please consider your queries carefully. After creating the query, try to anticipate how it will function. If there is any doubt if the query will perform adequately, at least test it with a representative amount and distribution of data.
Of course, I am fully aware of the many types of queries out there, not to mention the many types of indexes you can use. Usually, it pays off to invest some time reading up on the use of indexes. There are a great number of resources to use out here on the internet, so I won't even try to begin explaining them. As a developer, do yourself a favor and spend some time getting to know the workings of the most common types of indexes.
And if all else fails: please contact your DBA...
Friday, November 5, 2010
Using PL/SQL tables as IN- and OUTPUT parameters can be bad for performance
Sometimes, when you start a new project, you want to go that extra mile and "do thing right this time". That is just what one of our programmers thought when setting up a new package to manipulate large amounts of data. Instead of repeating the code to merge two PL/SQL tables, he wrote a procedure to do that for him. Nice and clean, modular programming, etc, etc.
First day of testing: everything works fine.
Second day: still going strong.
Third day: the load test. With amounts of data not even close to the amounts to be processed in production, the system slows to a crawl. Processing seems to take forever and memory usage is going through the roof.
In this case, the separate procedure for merging two PL/SQL tables was the problem. When creating this procedure, the developer created something like this, stripped of any irrelevant code (Seven of Nine: Code is irrelevant...)
procedure concat_plsql_table
( p_tab1 IN t_test_tab
, p_tab2 IN OUT t_test_tab
-- LOOP through all records of the first table
-- and place them in the output table
FOR i IN 1..p_tab1.count LOOP
p_tab2(p_tab2.count+1) := p_tab1(i);
The problem with this, is that the parameters are referenced by value. This means that the compiler creates a copy of the variable, starts working on that variable, and returns a copy to the calling procedure when finished. It is all this copying that wreaks havoc on your performance and memory.
The solution can be very simple:
* either do not use a separate procedure
* or use the NOCOPY compiler hint in your code
procedure concat_plsql_table
( p_tab1 IN t_test_tab
, p_tab2 IN OUT NOCOPY t_test_tab
-- LOOP through all records of the first table
-- and place them in the output table
FOR i IN 1..p_tab1.count LOOP
p_tab2(p_tab2.count+1) := p_tab1(i);
With the NOCOPY compiler hint, the compiler is instructed not to copy the variable, but to use a reference to the original variable and work from there. There are some limitations on the usage (see the Oracle Documentation), so be careful on how you use this.
In this case, the performance went up by about 200 times, from minutes to seconds prcessing time. For any procedure using large amounts of data in arrays, it is worthwhile to consider this option.
For a more complete example, see the code below:
create or replace package test_plsql_table
-- Main procedure
procedure test_response;
create or replace package body test_plsql_table
-- pl/sql table
type t_test_rec IS RECORD ( id number
, desc_col varchar2(100)
type t_test_tab IS TABLE of t_test_rec
index by binary_integer;
-- Concatenate two pl/sql tables into a third
procedure concat_plsql_table
( p_tab1 IN t_test_tab
, p_tab2 IN OUT t_test_tab
-- LOOP through all records of the first table
-- and place them in the output table
FOR i IN 1..p_tab1.count LOOP
p_tab2(p_tab2.count+1) := p_tab1(i);
-- Main procedure
procedure test_response
l_tab1 t_test_tab;
l_tab2 t_test_tab;
l_tab3 t_test_tab;
-- Display the start time
dbms_output.put_line('Procedure started at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- Initial content for the first table: 50 records
FOR i IN 1..500 LOOP
l_tab1(i).id := i;
l_tab1(i).desc_col := 'Record '||i||' in initial table';
-- LOOP over records and in each LOOP, concatenate the initial table with a second one
FOR i IN 1..1000 LOOP
concat_plsql_table( l_tab1
, l_tab2);
IF mod(i,100) = 0 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('.. '||lpad(i*500,6,' ')||' records at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- tab2 should now contain a lot of records
dbms_output.put_line('Number of records created in result table 2 = '||l_tab2.count);
-- Display the end time
dbms_output.put_line('Procedure started at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- LOOP over records and in each LOOP, concatenate the initial table with a second one
FOR i IN 1..1000 LOOP
FOR i IN 1..l_tab1.count LOOP
l_tab3(l_tab3.count+1) := l_tab1(i);
IF mod(i,100) = 0 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('.. '||lpad(i*500,6,' ')||' records at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- tab3 should now contain a lot of records (same amount as tab2)
dbms_output.put_line('Number of records created in result table 3 = '||l_tab3.count);
-- Display the end time
dbms_output.put_line('Procedure finished at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
First day of testing: everything works fine.
Second day: still going strong.
Third day: the load test. With amounts of data not even close to the amounts to be processed in production, the system slows to a crawl. Processing seems to take forever and memory usage is going through the roof.
In this case, the separate procedure for merging two PL/SQL tables was the problem. When creating this procedure, the developer created something like this, stripped of any irrelevant code (Seven of Nine: Code is irrelevant...)
procedure concat_plsql_table
( p_tab1 IN t_test_tab
, p_tab2 IN OUT t_test_tab
-- LOOP through all records of the first table
-- and place them in the output table
FOR i IN 1..p_tab1.count LOOP
p_tab2(p_tab2.count+1) := p_tab1(i);
The problem with this, is that the parameters are referenced by value. This means that the compiler creates a copy of the variable, starts working on that variable, and returns a copy to the calling procedure when finished. It is all this copying that wreaks havoc on your performance and memory.
The solution can be very simple:
* either do not use a separate procedure
* or use the NOCOPY compiler hint in your code
procedure concat_plsql_table
( p_tab1 IN t_test_tab
, p_tab2 IN OUT NOCOPY t_test_tab
-- LOOP through all records of the first table
-- and place them in the output table
FOR i IN 1..p_tab1.count LOOP
p_tab2(p_tab2.count+1) := p_tab1(i);
With the NOCOPY compiler hint, the compiler is instructed not to copy the variable, but to use a reference to the original variable and work from there. There are some limitations on the usage (see the Oracle Documentation), so be careful on how you use this.
In this case, the performance went up by about 200 times, from minutes to seconds prcessing time. For any procedure using large amounts of data in arrays, it is worthwhile to consider this option.
For a more complete example, see the code below:
create or replace package test_plsql_table
-- Main procedure
procedure test_response;
create or replace package body test_plsql_table
-- pl/sql table
type t_test_rec IS RECORD ( id number
, desc_col varchar2(100)
type t_test_tab IS TABLE of t_test_rec
index by binary_integer;
-- Concatenate two pl/sql tables into a third
procedure concat_plsql_table
( p_tab1 IN t_test_tab
, p_tab2 IN OUT t_test_tab
-- LOOP through all records of the first table
-- and place them in the output table
FOR i IN 1..p_tab1.count LOOP
p_tab2(p_tab2.count+1) := p_tab1(i);
-- Main procedure
procedure test_response
l_tab1 t_test_tab;
l_tab2 t_test_tab;
l_tab3 t_test_tab;
-- Display the start time
dbms_output.put_line('Procedure started at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- Initial content for the first table: 50 records
FOR i IN 1..500 LOOP
l_tab1(i).id := i;
l_tab1(i).desc_col := 'Record '||i||' in initial table';
-- LOOP over records and in each LOOP, concatenate the initial table with a second one
FOR i IN 1..1000 LOOP
concat_plsql_table( l_tab1
, l_tab2);
IF mod(i,100) = 0 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('.. '||lpad(i*500,6,' ')||' records at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- tab2 should now contain a lot of records
dbms_output.put_line('Number of records created in result table 2 = '||l_tab2.count);
-- Display the end time
dbms_output.put_line('Procedure started at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- LOOP over records and in each LOOP, concatenate the initial table with a second one
FOR i IN 1..1000 LOOP
FOR i IN 1..l_tab1.count LOOP
l_tab3(l_tab3.count+1) := l_tab1(i);
IF mod(i,100) = 0 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('.. '||lpad(i*500,6,' ')||' records at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
-- tab3 should now contain a lot of records (same amount as tab2)
dbms_output.put_line('Number of records created in result table 3 = '||l_tab3.count);
-- Display the end time
dbms_output.put_line('Procedure finished at '||to_char(systimestamp,'hh24:mi:ss'));
Monday, October 25, 2010
Modifying Standard Apex Javascript
Last week, I ran into trouble with having to adjust some standard Apex Javascript function. I wanted to modify some of the functionality of the doSubmit() function. Normally, that would be no prolem, because you can write your own Javascript functions and use the standard furnctions (like doSubmit) in those functions.
It turned out that when using the option of "Create a button displayed among this region's items", you have less control of what this button should do, and Apex generates a button with an onClick=doSubmit() attribute. There is no way of overriding this functionality (at least I haven't found one), so you can't change the Javascript behaviour of this button*.
So, what I really wanted is to write my own doSubmit, and from this function, call the original doSubmit, so I wouldn't have to worry about missing any standard code after my own validations and checks.
Luckily, you can replace the standard functionality AND use the standard functions at the same time. All you have to do is store the original function in a variable and create your own version. In your own version, you can reuse the original function by invoking the variable you created. This code is to be placed in the "HTML Header" section of the "Edit page attributes" page:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var org_doSubmit = window.doSubmit;
window.doSubmit = function(request){
if (request == 'P1_SAVE') {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to save?")) {
else {
else {
In this example, I created the variable org_doSubmit, storing the original doSubmit function from the standard Apex library. After that, I redefined the doSubmit function (one input parameter, which I named request). I let the user confirm if he has chosen to Save. When he decides not to save, I reroute to the Cancel functionality. This assumes I have a page that has at least both a P1_SAVE and a P1_CANCEL button, with corresponding branches on the page.
This way, you can override and at the same time reuse the standard Apex Javascript features, should the need arise.
* For the other type of button (Create a button in a region position) this is rather straigthforward. You just put the type to "target is a URL" and invoke your named function in the URL section. This option is simply not there for the buttons among region items...
It turned out that when using the option of "Create a button displayed among this region's items", you have less control of what this button should do, and Apex generates a button with an onClick=doSubmit() attribute. There is no way of overriding this functionality (at least I haven't found one), so you can't change the Javascript behaviour of this button*.
So, what I really wanted is to write my own doSubmit, and from this function, call the original doSubmit, so I wouldn't have to worry about missing any standard code after my own validations and checks.
Luckily, you can replace the standard functionality AND use the standard functions at the same time. All you have to do is store the original function in a variable and create your own version. In your own version, you can reuse the original function by invoking the variable you created. This code is to be placed in the "HTML Header" section of the "Edit page attributes" page:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var org_doSubmit = window.doSubmit;
window.doSubmit = function(request){
if (request == 'P1_SAVE') {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to save?")) {
else {
else {
In this example, I created the variable org_doSubmit, storing the original doSubmit function from the standard Apex library. After that, I redefined the doSubmit function (one input parameter, which I named request). I let the user confirm if he has chosen to Save. When he decides not to save, I reroute to the Cancel functionality. This assumes I have a page that has at least both a P1_SAVE and a P1_CANCEL button, with corresponding branches on the page.
This way, you can override and at the same time reuse the standard Apex Javascript features, should the need arise.
* For the other type of button (Create a button in a region position) this is rather straigthforward. You just put the type to "target is a URL" and invoke your named function in the URL section. This option is simply not there for the buttons among region items...
Monday, September 6, 2010
"NVL" for SQL*plus commandline parameters
Recently, I had to create an installer SQL*Plus script which could accept input parameters. "So, big deal?" I hear you think. And at first, the task seemed simple enough. Until I started testing it (which is always a good idea in my opinion…)
I created a script "installer.sql" and referred the input parameter as &1, &2 and &3. I needed these for the username, password and database (TNSNames entry to be precise). For the sake of simplicity, let’s say this was the entire script:
PROMPT connecting as &1
CONNECT &1/&2@&3
SELECT username from user_users;
and then run the script:
$ sqlplus /nolog @installer.sql test test test
Simple enough, right? The script does exactly what you'd except: It prompts that it will connect as user "test", then connects (provided you actually have a user test with password test on database test...) and shows the current user (hopefully "test").
I then tried the use other parameters (&4) to do some more then only connecting. Of course, that will work fine, but I ran into trouble when trying to leave the fourth parameter empty. I wanted this parameter to be optional and give it some value based on the contents of the database.
What happens is that the fourth parameter is not set to NULL, but the parameter is not recognised at all. First thing SQL*Plus will do, is ask you for this parameter:
Enter value for 4:
So, when parameters are not entered on the commandline, SQL*plus will not recognise them. After a lot of experimenting, I found that you can define your own "parameter 4" using the COLUMN syntax. Using this, you can use a sort of NVL function for the inputparameters. I haven't exactly fugured out why thuis works, but so far, all tests are positive:
select 1 inputpar01
from dual
where 1=2;
This fools SQL*Plus creating the explicit parameter 1 (instead of an implicit parameter), but the nice part of it is that it actually retains the value for an implicit parameter, if defined.
[Edit]: Please note that for sqlplus 11.x and above, you must be connected to a database for this part to work. So you will have to replace the "/nolog" with a valid login. This can be for any database, though.[/Edit]
I then modified the script to, basically, the following:
select 1 inputpar01
, 2 inputpar02
, 3 inputpar03
, 4 inputpar04
from dual
where 1=2;
PROMPT connecting as &1
CONNECT &1/&2@&3
SELECT username from user_users;
PROMPT value for parameter 4 = &4
You can modify this with extra checks for mandatory parameters, allowed values, etc, etc. This way, you actually have an option to use NVL-like functionality on your input parameters.
I created a script "installer.sql" and referred the input parameter as &1, &2 and &3. I needed these for the username, password and database (TNSNames entry to be precise). For the sake of simplicity, let’s say this was the entire script:
PROMPT connecting as &1
CONNECT &1/&2@&3
SELECT username from user_users;
and then run the script:
$ sqlplus /nolog @installer.sql test test test
Simple enough, right? The script does exactly what you'd except: It prompts that it will connect as user "test", then connects (provided you actually have a user test with password test on database test...) and shows the current user (hopefully "test").
I then tried the use other parameters (&4) to do some more then only connecting. Of course, that will work fine, but I ran into trouble when trying to leave the fourth parameter empty. I wanted this parameter to be optional and give it some value based on the contents of the database.
What happens is that the fourth parameter is not set to NULL, but the parameter is not recognised at all. First thing SQL*Plus will do, is ask you for this parameter:
Enter value for 4:
So, when parameters are not entered on the commandline, SQL*plus will not recognise them. After a lot of experimenting, I found that you can define your own "parameter 4" using the COLUMN syntax. Using this, you can use a sort of NVL function for the inputparameters. I haven't exactly fugured out why thuis works, but so far, all tests are positive:
select 1 inputpar01
from dual
where 1=2;
This fools SQL*Plus creating the explicit parameter 1 (instead of an implicit parameter), but the nice part of it is that it actually retains the value for an implicit parameter, if defined.
[Edit]: Please note that for sqlplus 11.x and above, you must be connected to a database for this part to work. So you will have to replace the "/nolog" with a valid login. This can be for any database, though.[/Edit]
I then modified the script to, basically, the following:
select 1 inputpar01
, 2 inputpar02
, 3 inputpar03
, 4 inputpar04
from dual
where 1=2;
PROMPT connecting as &1
CONNECT &1/&2@&3
SELECT username from user_users;
PROMPT value for parameter 4 = &4
You can modify this with extra checks for mandatory parameters, allowed values, etc, etc. This way, you actually have an option to use NVL-like functionality on your input parameters.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The wrong way to build a CLOB
Recently, I came across one of the old CLOB-related problems again. A developer on the team had to create a CLOB and started out to create the pieces for the CLOB (there was some extensive logic applicable to the various pieces). After that, he inserted a row into the table, retrieving the CLOB handle and started to piece together the CLOB.
So far, there is nothing wrong functionally. He just broke down the work and created (a lot of) pieces for the final CLOB. The mistake was in inserting an empty CLOB and adding pieces to it a lot of times. To elaborate on that, I'll give you an example.
First, we create a simple table:
create table lob_test
( id number
, text clob
lob (text) store as (disable storage in row);
And then, we insert 100 CLOB's using the piecewise modification of a pre-inserted empty CLOB.
l_text CLOB;
l_piece char(1024) := 'X';
-- create 100 CLOB's
FOR l_id IN 1..100 LOOP
-- First, create the CLOB in the table
INSERT INTO lob_test (id, text)
RETURNING text INTO l_text;
-- Then, with the LOB locator,
-- build your CLOB from pieces
FOR l_loop IN 1..100 LOOP
-- 100 pieces of 1k
dbms_lob.append(l_text, l_piece);
This took about 22 seconds on my database. Remember this for future reference...
Now, we use a different approach. Instead of inserting an empty CLOB and modifying it, we now create a temporary CLOB, modify that and postpone the insert until we have a fully created CLOB:
l_text CLOB;
l_piece char(1024) := 'X';
-- create 100 CLOB's
FOR l_id IN 101..200 LOOP
-- First, create a temporary CLOB
-- Then, with the LOB locator,
-- build your CLOB from pieces
FOR l_loop IN 1..100 LOOP
-- 100 pieces of 1k
dbms_lob.append(l_text, l_piece);
-- Finally, insert the CLOB
INSERT INTO lob_test (id, text)
VALUES (l_id, l_text);
This last piece of code does exactly the same (functionally), but it executes in under 2 seconds this time.
The reason that the first method takes so much longer, is that every call to dbms_lob.append will update the block for the CLOB. It generates UNDO and REDO. The second method holds the CLOB in memory only and has no block to update, so no UNDO and REDO is created. This will not only speed thing up, but will also have a lot of impact on the amount of logging created on your production database.
So, overall, try to keep the updating of a CLOB column to a minimum.
So far, there is nothing wrong functionally. He just broke down the work and created (a lot of) pieces for the final CLOB. The mistake was in inserting an empty CLOB and adding pieces to it a lot of times. To elaborate on that, I'll give you an example.
First, we create a simple table:
create table lob_test
( id number
, text clob
lob (text) store as (disable storage in row);
And then, we insert 100 CLOB's using the piecewise modification of a pre-inserted empty CLOB.
l_text CLOB;
l_piece char(1024) := 'X';
-- create 100 CLOB's
FOR l_id IN 1..100 LOOP
-- First, create the CLOB in the table
INSERT INTO lob_test (id, text)
RETURNING text INTO l_text;
-- Then, with the LOB locator,
-- build your CLOB from pieces
FOR l_loop IN 1..100 LOOP
-- 100 pieces of 1k
dbms_lob.append(l_text, l_piece);
This took about 22 seconds on my database. Remember this for future reference...
Now, we use a different approach. Instead of inserting an empty CLOB and modifying it, we now create a temporary CLOB, modify that and postpone the insert until we have a fully created CLOB:
l_text CLOB;
l_piece char(1024) := 'X';
-- create 100 CLOB's
FOR l_id IN 101..200 LOOP
-- First, create a temporary CLOB
-- Then, with the LOB locator,
-- build your CLOB from pieces
FOR l_loop IN 1..100 LOOP
-- 100 pieces of 1k
dbms_lob.append(l_text, l_piece);
-- Finally, insert the CLOB
INSERT INTO lob_test (id, text)
VALUES (l_id, l_text);
This last piece of code does exactly the same (functionally), but it executes in under 2 seconds this time.
The reason that the first method takes so much longer, is that every call to dbms_lob.append will update the block for the CLOB. It generates UNDO and REDO. The second method holds the CLOB in memory only and has no block to update, so no UNDO and REDO is created. This will not only speed thing up, but will also have a lot of impact on the amount of logging created on your production database.
So, overall, try to keep the updating of a CLOB column to a minimum.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Application Express - using the sort arrows in a tabular form
!! This post is created using Apex 3.x and will not work for newer versions. For Apex 4.x a new blogpost is available !!
When you use APEX, chances are you've come across this feature many times. When developing an application and you create a form or report, you can arrange the order of the columns by using arrows (up/down). This changes the order in which the columns are displayed, just by clicking on the appropriate arrow.

So far, nothing new. But when you think about it: APEX has been build using APEX. This should mean that this functionality is also available to use in you own application. There seems to be one problem: there is no standard item or option to enable this.
Searching the internet, there are some strategies as how this can be accomplished. So far, I have not found a complete description that is short and easy to implement. Starting from there, I found that you need only three rather simple steps to accomplish this in your own tabular form.
I will demonstrate this using a simple tabular form:

First step: create the arrows
The first step is to incorporate some standard Javascript into your region. After creating a regular tabular form, you add one piece of Javascript to the footer of the region.
<script type="text/javascript">
var g_#REGION_ID#;
var g_rpreview_global = 'report_#REGION_ID#';
function f_#REGION_ID#(){
g_#REGION_ID# = new apex.tabular.sort('report_#REGION_ID#');
g_#REGION_ID#.row.after_move = function(){rpreview('report_#REGION_ID#')}
After this, the form has the up/down arrows next to every line.

Second step: hide the order column and make it orderable
To enable ordering and make the order column hidden, just take these steps:
Now we have a simple form which we can order using the arrows.

Third step: adjusting the style
The last step we need to take is to make the background and header to look like the template we use. Regrettably, I found no really easy (configurable) way to do this. So, we'll do this the hard way.
First of all, you'll have to get the style you're using in the application. The stylesheet is referenced in your application and viewable by just showing the source of your page in your browser. In this example I ran the application, selected "show source" after right-clicking and searched for the stylesheet. This shouldn't be too hard to find (was on line 3 for me).
When you look at this stylesheet (by either downloading it from the application server, or looking it up in an APEX software download), you should be able to find the section of interest by searching for "Standard th". The line you'll find and the next line are to be copied. For me this was:
table.t13Standard th.t13ReportHeader {border-bottom:1px #aaa solid;}
table.t13Standard td.t13data{background:#efefef;border-top:1px #fff solid;border-bottom:1px #ccc solid;font-size:8pt;padding:3px 9px;empty-cells:show;}
Depending on the template you chose, the numbers and settings will be somewhat different. These lines should be modified to a more generic class for th and td. So we'll leave out the specific .t13ReportHeader and .t13data qualifiers.
table.t13Standard th {border-bottom:1px #aaa solid;}
table.t13Standard td {background:#efefef;border-top:1px #fff solid;border-bottom:1px #ccc solid;font-size:8pt;padding:3px 9px;empty-cells:show;}
Finally, we must set the background color for the header. You can find this about 6 lines higher in the stylesheet, which contains the th.t13ReportHeader, which contains a background. Place the style tags around this block. We now have:
table.t13Standard th {border-bottom:1px #aaa solid;background-color:#7b9cbd;}
table.t13Standard td {background:#efefef;border-top:1px #fff solid;border-bottom:1px #ccc solid;font-size:8pt;padding:3px 9px;empty-cells:show;}
By placing this as a style tag in the HTML header of the page, our tabular form is now ready to go.
When you use APEX, chances are you've come across this feature many times. When developing an application and you create a form or report, you can arrange the order of the columns by using arrows (up/down). This changes the order in which the columns are displayed, just by clicking on the appropriate arrow.
So far, nothing new. But when you think about it: APEX has been build using APEX. This should mean that this functionality is also available to use in you own application. There seems to be one problem: there is no standard item or option to enable this.
Searching the internet, there are some strategies as how this can be accomplished. So far, I have not found a complete description that is short and easy to implement. Starting from there, I found that you need only three rather simple steps to accomplish this in your own tabular form.
I will demonstrate this using a simple tabular form:
First step: create the arrows
The first step is to incorporate some standard Javascript into your region. After creating a regular tabular form, you add one piece of Javascript to the footer of the region.
<script type="text/javascript">
var g_#REGION_ID#;
var g_rpreview_global = 'report_#REGION_ID#';
function f_#REGION_ID#(){
g_#REGION_ID# = new apex.tabular.sort('report_#REGION_ID#');
g_#REGION_ID#.row.after_move = function(){rpreview('report_#REGION_ID#')}
After this, the form has the up/down arrows next to every line.
Second step: hide the order column and make it orderable
To enable ordering and make the order column hidden, just take these steps:
- Edit the form properties and set the order item property "show" unchecked
- Edit the column properties for "order" and set Element Attributes to 'class="orderby"'
Now we have a simple form which we can order using the arrows.
Third step: adjusting the style
The last step we need to take is to make the background and header to look like the template we use. Regrettably, I found no really easy (configurable) way to do this. So, we'll do this the hard way.
First of all, you'll have to get the style you're using in the application. The stylesheet is referenced in your application and viewable by just showing the source of your page in your browser. In this example I ran the application, selected "show source" after right-clicking and searched for the stylesheet. This shouldn't be too hard to find (was on line 3 for me).
When you look at this stylesheet (by either downloading it from the application server, or looking it up in an APEX software download), you should be able to find the section of interest by searching for "Standard th". The line you'll find and the next line are to be copied. For me this was:
table.t13Standard th.t13ReportHeader {border-bottom:1px #aaa solid;}
table.t13Standard td.t13data{background:#efefef;border-top:1px #fff solid;border-bottom:1px #ccc solid;font-size:8pt;padding:3px 9px;empty-cells:show;}
Depending on the template you chose, the numbers and settings will be somewhat different. These lines should be modified to a more generic class for th and td. So we'll leave out the specific .t13ReportHeader and .t13data qualifiers.
table.t13Standard th {border-bottom:1px #aaa solid;}
table.t13Standard td {background:#efefef;border-top:1px #fff solid;border-bottom:1px #ccc solid;font-size:8pt;padding:3px 9px;empty-cells:show;}
Finally, we must set the background color for the header. You can find this about 6 lines higher in the stylesheet, which contains the th.t13ReportHeader, which contains a background. Place the style tags around this block. We now have:
table.t13Standard th {border-bottom:1px #aaa solid;background-color:#7b9cbd;}
table.t13Standard td {background:#efefef;border-top:1px #fff solid;border-bottom:1px #ccc solid;font-size:8pt;padding:3px 9px;empty-cells:show;}
By placing this as a style tag in the HTML header of the page, our tabular form is now ready to go.
Monday, June 21, 2010
ApEx - using multiple database schema's
The parsing schema for an ApEx application
For an ApEx application, you can define one parsing schema per application. For smaller applications, this usually will be sufficient. For larger applications however, there might be the need to address multiple database schema's from one application. Because there will always be one parsing schema per application, you would have to grant the appropriate privileges to a schema in order to be able to use DML on all objects needed. This can be a daunting task, especially when you have many objects in various schema's.
The alternative
Instead of using only one application, you can use multiple applications. This may sound rediculous, but using more than one application, you can use a different parsing schema for each of these applications. The real trick is to get these applications to work as one. And this is really very simple. By explicitly setting the cookie name in the authentication scheme (via shared components), you can link various applications in a single workspace so they will use the same cookie. This way, you don't have to authenticate with each application, but authenticating once will give you access to all applications with the same cookie.
As a simple example, you can create two applications in the same workspace. Set the cookie name (and the path and domain if you like) to the same value (e.g. myApexCookie) for both applications. After authenticating with one application, change the application ID on the URL, and you should be able to access the other application without authenticating. Trying this without the cookie, Apex will ask you to login again.
Things to consider
You should consider your authorization scheme carefully when implementing this SSO for ApEx applications. Each application, and thus each parsing schema, should have an authorization in place in the application, so not everyone can access all schema's.
When creating different applications, it would be a developer's nightmare to maintain the navigation for each application. So consider creating one menu, referencing the right application and page for each menu item and then sharing this menu with all the applications.
For an ApEx application, you can define one parsing schema per application. For smaller applications, this usually will be sufficient. For larger applications however, there might be the need to address multiple database schema's from one application. Because there will always be one parsing schema per application, you would have to grant the appropriate privileges to a schema in order to be able to use DML on all objects needed. This can be a daunting task, especially when you have many objects in various schema's.
The alternative
Instead of using only one application, you can use multiple applications. This may sound rediculous, but using more than one application, you can use a different parsing schema for each of these applications. The real trick is to get these applications to work as one. And this is really very simple. By explicitly setting the cookie name in the authentication scheme (via shared components), you can link various applications in a single workspace so they will use the same cookie. This way, you don't have to authenticate with each application, but authenticating once will give you access to all applications with the same cookie.
As a simple example, you can create two applications in the same workspace. Set the cookie name (and the path and domain if you like) to the same value (e.g. myApexCookie) for both applications. After authenticating with one application, change the application ID on the URL, and you should be able to access the other application without authenticating. Trying this without the cookie, Apex will ask you to login again.
Things to consider
You should consider your authorization scheme carefully when implementing this SSO for ApEx applications. Each application, and thus each parsing schema, should have an authorization in place in the application, so not everyone can access all schema's.
When creating different applications, it would be a developer's nightmare to maintain the navigation for each application. So consider creating one menu, referencing the right application and page for each menu item and then sharing this menu with all the applications.
The famous "first post"
Well, this is it.
The famous "first post" on any blog.
Nothing really interesting yet, just introducing myself (a bit) and announcing that I am planning on posting regularly etc, etc, etc...
I am an Oracle Certified Master DBA (and proud of it) and Oracle Certified Professional on various topics. In fact, I believe that I am one of the most heavily certified professionals on the planet. Having said that, I expect a lot of replies saying that, actually, I am not ;-)
For those interested in comparing notes: I collected 13 Oracle certifications so far.
This blog will not be mainly on DBA activities though. Besides the fact that there are a lot of blog concerning that topic out there, I am more of an application developer DBA. That means that I do a lot of application development and use my knowledge as a DBA to accomplish this better and faster.
And as for the "intention to post": I really do. Seriously. Trust me.
The famous "first post" on any blog.
Nothing really interesting yet, just introducing myself (a bit) and announcing that I am planning on posting regularly etc, etc, etc...
I am an Oracle Certified Master DBA (and proud of it) and Oracle Certified Professional on various topics. In fact, I believe that I am one of the most heavily certified professionals on the planet. Having said that, I expect a lot of replies saying that, actually, I am not ;-)
For those interested in comparing notes: I collected 13 Oracle certifications so far.
This blog will not be mainly on DBA activities though. Besides the fact that there are a lot of blog concerning that topic out there, I am more of an application developer DBA. That means that I do a lot of application development and use my knowledge as a DBA to accomplish this better and faster.
And as for the "intention to post": I really do. Seriously. Trust me.
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